Basic Introduction to 7 String Guitar (VIDEO)

Here’s a short, very basic introduction to 7 string guitars. Intended for those who are curious about playing a 7 string but have never picked one up before, afraid to get into it, or just don’t know anything about them. I’m not a great guitar player by any means, so trust me when I say if I can do it, you can do it. Maybe a different way of looking at it is all that it takes. Hope this helps some of you out there. Thanks for watching.


  1. Charles Forssi
  2. Jason Stallworth
  3. northy Land
  4. FastRedPonyCar
  5. Nash Burdoch
  6. Walt Valois
  7. droneflyer15 droneflyer15
  8. droneflyer15 droneflyer15
  9. B T
  10. nludwig423
  11. Meredith
  12. TheNorthernSilence
  13. John Coniglio
  14. Norse man
  15. Rizki Altariz
  16. ED G
  17. Michael R
  18. Toby K.
  19. evild1515
  20. Metal Mindset