Adult Beginner Guitarist | Progress Video: Week 1 – 1,5 Years (VIDEO)

โ™ฆ Video starts at 2:55

I’m, at the time of publishing, a 27 year old adult beginner guitarist from Germany and I wanted to see if it was possible to learn instruments as an adult.

I started out on the piano, but paused for a while due to studies. The Guitar was the instrument I had with me when I lived in France.

In January 2016 I started learning the guitar with a structured plan. Before that I barely had any feel for rhythm (see recording)

This video is a collection of recordings I did while progressing on the guitar. I hadn’t recorded any video until the 10/11th month, so you will hear the audio extracts of my playing sessions.

If you like what you see, subscribe to my channel! I added way more instruments to my project of learning instruments as an adult. At the time of writing I am learning to play these instruments:


If you are a beginner and you learn one of these instruments, leave a message! ๐Ÿ™‚ Maybe we can learn from each other.


  1. Aga Antonio
  2. Njc98
  3. Bob Sullivan
  4. Funimation Unlimited
  5. jasper426
  6. twitchster77
  7. Christian Le
  8. Coze
  9. Siddarth M V
  10. Ashley Rowe
  11. Pim
  12. hrmzaqa
  13. joe malone
  14. Stephen
  15. penyai raktiprakorn
  16. Luis Armando Rochin
  17. sangucheconjamon57
  18. Dev Kansara
  19. Shyam Sarkar
  20. Cralo