E Chord – Easy Third Guitar Chord – Beginner Guitar Lessons Stage 1 – JustinGuitar [BC-113] (VIDEO)

In this lesson we are going to be checking out the E Chord. It’s a nice easy one.

Find the related course notes on the following link:

The Justinguitar Beginners Guitar Course, a series of over 100 lessons on guitar for beginners. Text support is on the web site and also in a proper old skool paper book which can be ordered from the web site of your local music store πŸ™‚

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  1. Chorde E
  2. Elijah Solina
  3. JV Gaming
  4. minutes ago edited
  5. Brian Z
  6. theJ channel
  7. Edie llewxam2
  8. Sonia Ojos
  9. Saminbound
  10. Michael Barton
  11. Atlas
  12. Floriane Plank
  13. Car Du
  15. Nay Plays
  16. Skyhunter_2K
  17. Ackyman
  18. Palmarah
  19. aka TheHermitCrab
  20. Arshad Khan