Lead Guitar Lesson – Arpeggios, Scales and Transposition – Advanced Soloing Made Easy (VIDEO)

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Advanced lead guitar soloing techniques made easy with guitarist and educator Rob Swift. In this lesson we will explore how basic ideas can be transposed across three different keys, allowing a lead guitarist to perform melodic phrases across a basic 1.4.5 progression in Dmaj. The use of arpeggios to outline the common tones found without the chord is made into a powerful concept, as we add neighboring tones found within the major (ionian) scale. Let’s get started!


  1. Satyajit Majumder
  2. Tubisuh Dung
  3. Šáïñãïmbøò Šáïñãïmbøò
  4. musisi ndeso pemula
  5. Abdull Samad
  6. Along Sandi
  7. Luke Li
  8. kyaw pe
  9. Saverius Saverius
  10. Junuce Marak
  11. Rasesh Rasiya
  12. Rasesh Rasiya
  13. Twank Whelan
  14. Gold Christopher
  15. Pawan Hembram
  16. Khairil Anwar
  17. one love
  18. MellowNature1974
  19. Robert Agcaoili
  20. Ha Nhat Linh