Top 5 Easiest and Most Used Guitar Chords (VIDEO)

In this quick lesson you will learn the 5 easiest, most used chords that every guitar player should know how to play on any guitar. No matter if it’s an acoustic or electric guitar. I hope you enjoy this lesson my friends! For more guitar help and free resources be sure to check out today.

Again my friends, thanks for watching!! I hope you enjoyed this quick and easy beginner guitar lesson on the top 5 easiest and must played chords that every guitar player should learn.

See you in another video soon!

Keep up the practice.



Blog post here:

9 Essential Chords:


  1. Anna Pilipienko
  2. DODGEMAN1616
  3. Kaden Lopez
  4. chunky rago
  5. Nethmi .G
  6. Rod Pruitt
  7. Tommy Hollenbeck
  8. Oscar Solis
  9. Gopal Goyal
  10. Alex Lockley
  11. Frankenscuzz
  12. Musical Mahesh
  13. The Quintessential
  14. Ray92Emma91
  15. Pro sound inc.
  16. Frodet Elia